Meet the team: Lubomira

New Wave Digital
2 min readDec 14, 2019

The unstoppable “Push” Master, a.k.a Project Manager, of New Wave Digital! 🦄

Q: Introduce yourself with a few words? What is your job at New Wave Digital?

Hiya! I am the “Push” Master as Nikola (our CEO) loves to say…:) Or, simply put, the Project Manager - that one person in the agency who never sleeps, making sure all the deadlines are met and everyone is happy and effective.

How does a normal working day start for you?

Sharing a coffee & breakfast with my favourite person in the world.

Sometimes I meditate for 10 minutes before opening my laptop — a guarantee for a very productive day.

What about your job excites you most? Why?

Everything can be done remotely! I love moving to places and spending time in nature…and still doing what I am best at! ;)

What is your SUPERPOWER?

My ability to organize people and things. I don’t give up easily, so I push until everything is done — ask the rest of the team :))

What’s the skill you’d love to learn in the future?

I would love to deepen my understanding of the programming in the IT development process.

Which person (existing or dead) would you like to grab a bite with (if you have a chance)?

I don’t have a particular person in mind. I think that every new person I meet can bring value to my life in one way or another.

What is your ideal way to lose steam/to relax?

Skiing, kite- and wind-surfing; just being/wandering in nature (I believe I said that a bunch of times already haha).

What is your most preferred spot in the world?

MOUNTAINS…oh, that magical word. It doesn’t even matter which one, I love them all.

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